วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How Drywall

Dry walls of a house is not an easy task, but with the right tips and hints, it's a job can be done without the help of a professional. In particular, the right tools, such as a spatula, a tray, sandpaper, joint putty, scraper, hammer, paint, thinner, plaster, chalk, etc. Depending on the need for size of the room, you can be more items.

You need sandpaper, because the first step is plaster of sand along the walls to remove any lumpy areas. Sand untilwhite light, then wipe the walls to remove dust and sand.

If there are holes in the wall, you must fill with plaster. Use the trowel and spatula spatula to apply joint filler, larger holes may require a patch and filler. This can be created in layers, let the filler dry sanding recent hands.

Ensure that the wall has been sanded, polished and then washed down to ensure that all dust has been removed. Then the wall will be carefullybe dry before the drywall can be done. Make sure you follow each step carefully and not to enter the next step until you have a clean, crisp, smooth wall.

Once the wall has been dry walled, you can paint. Choosing the right paint and brushes will also facilitate this work. Paint all the bases and edges before pulling the central parts. Make sure the paint dry well and then develop, if necessary. Make sure it is dry before putting the furniture and hangTents.

As you can see, this is not a difficult task, it takes only more time to do it well.

If the walls are actually worse in your house, drywall and painting can not be the solution. You do not want to cover the plaster walls badly damaged with a little ', just outside the dressing. You can look at permanent solutions, such as food and the new cover, etc.

But if you do a repair, and not exclusively in the reconstruction of a wall, a little 'rendering and the rightTools and materials to solve your problems. But if the region seriously rotted, you need to think of a professional attitude to do the repair.

If you find that you begin to have problems with the walls, your repairs go now rather than wait until the problem is so bad that you need a professional to come in. Repairs are much cheaper than a complete replacement.

If you are applying spackle sand worn or broken, the area, and then remove with a scraper, allPeeling plaster, paint, plaster loose. If the plaster is dry, sand again and add a second shift to cover the damaged area. Once again, the sand, and prime the area that you just patched and you're ready to paint.

Not so difficult is not it?

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